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Recipe: Delicious Popcorn
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Recipe: Yummy Bloody Popcorn ~ halloween

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Bloody Popcorn ~ halloween.

Bloody Popcorn ~ halloween You can have Bloody Popcorn ~ halloween using 4 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Bloody Popcorn ~ halloween

  1. It's 1 of bowl unflavored popped popcorn.
  2. Prepare 30 of or so drops red food color.
  3. Prepare 3 tbsp of butter, melted.
  4. It's 1 of salt to taste.

Bloody Popcorn ~ halloween step by step

  1. mix red food color with melted butter until you achieve desired color of red..
  2. drizzle half of your red butter all around the bowl on the inside. make sure your bowl is stain resistant, glass works well..
  3. place popcorn in the bowl..
  4. drizzle rest bloody butter over top of popcorn while tossing. you don't want to soak them. just give them a nice bloody color in some areas..
  5. salt to taste, then serve...
  6. WARNING: your fingers, lips and tongue will turn red. this does stain but its fun. have plenty if napkins on hand!.

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